Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well, Becky and I went to Denver to see her doctor and get a 6 month check-up on her cancer. We flew to Denver on Friday in the middle of a blizzard, long rough flight, in Denver it was snowing heavy, large wet flakes, but in Greeley it was only rain. Denver actually had a large amount of snow fall. By Sunday it was clear and warm. Ellen told us to bring our winter clothes, but Monday and Tuesday it was in the 80’s, sure am glad I had my warm winter clothes on. ;)
We saw the doctor on Tuesday and she said that Becky was in remission but she would have to continue treatment twice a week. Remission, what a good word, remission with maintenance treatment, that's OK. We must do the maintenance treatment because this cancer returns easily and the doctor said that it could return in 3 days, 3 months or 13 years, but that it will return. So we are alright with maintenance treatment. The doctor also wrote a letter for the insurance company to see if we can get a treatment box in our house, that would save us 500 miles a week. But whatever, I do know this, I thank God and REMISSION is a great word!!!!!!
This month we have been giving to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, our goal was $650, and as of Sunday we have given $800. All of this money goes to our missionaries to help them in their work. I love it when we go over our goal. Today is Cooperative Program (CP) Day. The Cooperative Program is what the Southern Baptist Convention uses to support it’s missionaries. There is no other program like it in the world. When you give to the church, we send 20% of all undesignated offerings to the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention (SBTC), our state convention, in turn the SBTC sends 55% of all undesignated money to the CP. It all works because we all work together. Read the insert, it explains it all better than I can. Today's sermon is on giving, the suggested topic for CP Day. See if you can learn anything new about giving today.