Well the date is set, pre-op done, co-pay paid and now all I have to do is wait. Have you ever had to do something that you didn’t look forward to? Well, that’s the way that I am, I’m really not looking forward to this at all. I’m not looking forward to the operation, to the recovery process or to anything that is or could be connected to this, although I know that it is necessary and that everything will be alright, but I’m just ready for this to be over with. I am scheduled for surgery Monday, November 30 at 7:00am in Lubbock. Just be praying for us, pray for the surgery, which will take about 3 hours, pray for the recovery and the recovery time. Your prayers are something that we need and cannot do without. We love all of you.
Speaking of prayers, we have some very important dates coming up, November 18-22. Desert Reign will be here for Revival. Please be in prayer for this, pray that the Holy Spirit will have freedom to flow, pray that the lost will be brought in and convicted of their sin. Pray for our church to be revived and rejuvenated, pray for the member of Desert Reign that God will use them in a mighty way. Pray for good offerings to come in and bless Desert Reign, when you come on a love offering it is a risky thing, but we need to give as the Lord leads. This is the first revival that we have had in several years and we need to have a great turnout, be here, be present and bring family and friends, invite everyone that you can. Remember Revival starts this Wednesday at 7:00 pm, services will be Wednesday through Saturday at 7:00 pm, and Sunday Morning at 10:45 am. Make an effort, not excuses; I’ll see you here for revival!!
We will continue to look at intimacy with Jesus this week. I will attempt to finish my sermon from last week, I got a good start on it, began to explain it but just ran out of time, this week I will recap last weeks and get into the rest of week one. This is an exciting and eye opening study, I just pray that you get as much out of it as I am.
In HIS Service, Bro. Randy
P.S. We really need help on Wednesday nights, if we don’t get some help quick we may not be able to continue having Kidzone, and that would be a shame. We have had a number of children saved because of Kidzone and the efforts of the adults involved. Please pray about it. Thank You.