Tuesday, February 24, 2009


How important is it that we tell others about Christ? Jesus said in Acts 1 for us to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, that means here at home, and in all Judea, that means here in Texas, and Samaria, that means in the United States, and to the end of the earth, this means, well you know what this means. Did you realize that the Great Commission given to us by Jesus is not a request? If it were a request then we could just say no thanks. Did you realize that he did not say that some have this gift and some don’t? If He did then we could just say, it’s not my gift. He didn’t say if you feel like it, go; or if you think about it go, He simply said GO. He said in Mark 16:15, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” (ESV) Jesus said to GO into all the world. It is every Christians job to tell about Jesus and what He did for us on the cross. Maybe you are being called to go to Africa on one of the mission trips during the next 5 years, maybe God is calling you to go somewhere else in the world on a mission trip, maybe you are being called to do mission work here in the United States, but one thing that I do know, you are being called upon to tell others about Jesus. And I also know that the best place to begin is with your family and friends, why is this the best place to start? Because these are the ones that you care for the most and if you can talk to those who know you the best about Christ, you can talk to anyone. This may sound strange but our loved ones are sometimes the hardest ones to talk to, we don’t want them to think less of us, or we don’t want them to laugh at us. But if we allow them to go to Hell without telling them about Jesus, they will think less of us and they won’t be laughing. I want to encourage you to tell others about Jesus, by the way, we have visitation tonight. We will not be going out tonight to visit, we will however be getting ready for our big push, on March 8, time changes and we will begin to a big push to reach every home in Childress. On March 8th we will go to one of the apartment complexes and knock on every door, and we need you help to do this. Our goal is to reach every home in Childress county, along with the help of First and Calvary, by Easter 2010.

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