Tuesday, July 29, 2008


On the 10th of August we will be having an Open House and Fish Fry here at the church. Morris had some fish left over from the Youth Fund Raiser and wanted to do this for the church. Now when we did our Father’s Day Cook-out we fed over 100 people, so could we possibly have 125 here for the Open House and Fish Fry? And just to make it interesting I am putting my goatee on the line. I tried to get Jimmy to put his moustache on the line but he wasn’t willing, so he is growing a goatee also. So for 125 here on Sunday, August 10th we will lose our goatee’s. but how many will it take to lose our moustaches? 135...145...150 sounds like a good number, but you really don’t want to see us without any facial hair do you? Do you??
Keep praying for Becky, we got a favorable report from the oncologist Tuesday, she went back on Thursday for a pet scan to check the inside. This scan is to look and see if there is any cancer on the inside of her body, the doctor didn’t think there would be but he doesn’t know until he gets the results back from this scan. It might be 3 or 4 weeks before we know anything so please continue praying for her.
August is often referred to as the dog days of summer, it is seen as a month the is hot and drags by, but here at Carey we don’t accept that and to prove our point we have several things lined up for the month of August, S.N.I.P., Crafty Creations, a baby shower for ZoĆ« (Amy), Open House & Fish Fry, Swim Party, Softball game, Nursing Home Service, Visitation, Family Night, and just in case that isn’t enough, school starts on the 25th. We have some opportunities to have some fun and worship God this month. Let’s have a great August, make it a point to tell someone about Jesus, show someone Jesus, invite someone to church, bring someone to church, after all, do you have anything better to do in August?
By the way, have you asked someone on the Nominating Committee what place of service isn’t filled, a place where you could serve? And do we have a Nursery Group yet? It is important to fill these areas, it is important to the life and growth of our church. talk to Linda Moore, Lori Duffield and Becky Wilson, they will help you find a place to serve the Lord! Thank you.
In HIS Service, Bro. Randy

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