Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Spring-time in Texas, unlike any other. You see things in this part of the world that you don’t see any where else. The different colors of trees, mesquite and cedar, make a pretty mix in the fields, these same trees make it hard to gather cattle. Where a hot day can mean a just a hot day or severe storms that afternoon or evening. In our part of the world you are as likely to see storm chasers as tourists, kids going to prom in a tractor as a truck, car or limo. You are as likely to see cowboys with spurs on as you are kids wearing jerseys. You are as likely to see a frog as you are a snake, weeds as grass. You may see a drought and a flood in the same week. What I’m saying is that in many ways we are just like any other part of the United States, but in some ways we are unique. We may have more churches per capita than some big cities, but that doesn’t mean that sin is extinct here. Satan is very much at work here, in ways that we cannot even imagine, messing up peoples lives, killing, stealing and destroying everything and everyone he can. We still must face the onslaught of evil everyday, just when you think that you are special you find out that you aren’t. The sin may be subtle and it may be in your face, but know for sure, it is there. We can whitewash it all we want to, but it doesn’t change it, it is still sin. The world calls it exaggerating the truth, God calls it a lie. The world calls it an alternate lifestyle, God calls it homosexuality, a sexual perversion. The world calls it having an affair, God calls it adultery. The world calls it living together, God calls it fornication. The world calls abortion a choice, God calls it murder. The world calls it partying, God calls it drunkenness.
It doesn’t matter how the world tries to whitewash it, sin is sin, and sin is offensive towards God. It is up to us to stay away from and out of sin. We are the ones who must remain righteous before a righteous God, He will not excuse our sin nor will He make excuses for us. We must make a conscience effort to stay away from sin, to keep ourselves pure before a holy God, no one else can do it for us. We must stay in His holy Word, be in prayer, and be in church where we can be fed and encouraged.

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