Monday, December 29, 2008


So now that Christmas is over, what are your plans for the New Year? 2009 will be here in a few days. I will turn 50 in 2009, now while this doesn’t really bother me it is a milestone, a half of a century. If I live this long again I will be 100. What major things do you think will happen in your life this year? We all make plans for a better year than the one we just finished, but do we do anything to make it better? Or do we just keep on doing the same thing the same way and hope that it turns out better. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, the same way and expect different results. It just doesn’t happen. Something must change in the process in order to obtain different results. So what will we change to make this a better year? Let me ask you, how much time did you spend with the Lord this past year? Can you improve? Yes, we all can. How much time did you spend in His Word? Can you improve? Yes, we all can. How many people did you invite to church this past year, of those that you invited, how many did you go by and pick up and bring to church? How many people did you witness to this past year? Can you tell more people about Jesus? Can we improve? Yes We Can! Let’s use 2009 to build His Kingdom, Let’s spend more time with Him and His Word, let’s invite and bring more people to church and let’s share Jesus with more people who are lost and going to hell. Let’s make 2009 a banner year here at Carey 1st Baptist Church. Are you with me? Let’s do it!!

2009, Wow, can you believe it, what great things will you do this year? Have you made plans for 2009 yet, you know, the plans to improve your life and make it better. All of the self-help books tell you what’s wrong with you and how you can make it better. I always have to wonder about those people that write the self-help books, are their lives that great, or will they be after they make a million off the book. Do you remember who Dr. Spock was? He was the parenting expert who messed up a whole generation of kids by telling the parents how to do their jobs. He didn’t know what he was talking about, but we still see remnants of his expertise today (don’t spank you child, it will damage him later in life, just talk to him...). By the way, Dr. Spock didn’t have any children, he wasn’t such an expert after all. Before you take that self-help book to heart, remember, self is what got you into this mess, your human self, and it will take someone better than yourself to help. That someone is Jesus, that someone is God, and His book, the Bible is the only book that can really help. This year, 2009, when you decide to improve your life, begin by improving your Bible reading habits, prayer habits, sharing your faith habits. Let’s make 2009 the best year ever for our church and for you, let’s truly put Jesus first and everything will improve, everything. Happy New Year!

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