Tuesday, January 6, 2009


As 2008 came to a close, and 2009 kicked off, did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Did you promise yourself that you would do better in some areas of your life, or be a better person, or treat someone nicer or just try harder? What New Year’s resolutions have you made for the church and your church life? Are you satisfied with your commitment to Christ and church, are you satisfied with your level of commitment to the things of God, to the work of God? Now any of us who sit back and say that we are satisfied and we don’t think that we can improve, we need to take a long look at ourselves, including me. We can all improve the way we serve Christ, we can all improve on our commitment to His church and His work. That’s what I’m asking of myself this year, and that’s what I’m asking of you also. I am asking you to make a promise to the Lord and to yourself to be more committed to His work, His will, His Word and the church this year. I feel that we are on the threshold of something great this year here at Carey, I am not alone, others feel the same way. But it will take more than just me and a few others to make it happen, it will take you. I have heard people say, and I know that you have too, “If it’s God’s will, it will happen.” do you realize that this statement is always made by people who want to sound religious, they want to sound religious and not do anything. They think that by saying that they have done their part, what they are really saying is, “You can do it, but I’m not going to help.” then of course, you always have the “Whatever” crowd. These are the ones who sit and listen to what is being said, and then they say “Whatever.” They either say this to themselves or out loud, but what they are saying is, “You go right ahead, I’m not going to help either. Unless it begins to look really fun and easy, then I might show up.” I don’t need the religious crowd, I don’t need the “Whatever” crowd, and I don’t need the “I hope it works out for you” crowd. What I do need is you to become more involved and committed, I need you to bring people to church, friends, family, co-workers, even your enemies. I need for you to get excited like you have never been before.
What say you? Are you committed??

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