Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Did you realize that Christianity is not a spectator sport? If you call yourself a Christian, you are expected to be in the game doing your best. If you ever played a sport then you know that you must do your best or you could cause the team to lose. I was on the wrestling team in high school, the only way that the team could win was if more people on your team won their matches than the other team. Wrestling is a one on one sport, if you win you get the credit, if you lose, you get the blame. That is the way that Christianity is, while we are part of the Church, we must be ready to go one on one. When I look at our church, I see those who are in the trenches working for the Kingdom, and then I see those who seem not to care. If you expect Carey Baptist to still be around in 10, 15 or 20 years, then you need to decide to become more active in church. More active in church attendance, church ministries and church activities. If you are not sure how to do that, just watch our older saints in the church. Without them Carey Baptist would have closed the doors many years ago.
If this has offended you, ask yourself why. Could it be because you saw yourself in a way you didn’t like? Do something positive about it...see you in church!!

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